Greetings, Gents!
WELCOME BACK, Y'ALL! Last Sunday we had a great first rehearsal for this season! Quite a few new faces, lots of... let's say "returning" (instead of old)... ones too!
I know Friday isn't "Mid-Week" but I was a little out-of-service on Wednesday, and this is the first I could get to it. Next week will also have a late MWM.... sorry about that. I apologize profusely for this lack of propriety to all my steadfast fan (not a misspelling :)
Lots of good information this week, so let's get to it!
If you haven't joined us for a while, dust off the old black folder and get back in the swing of things! If you look at the song list for this season (see below) you'll see we're doing a bunch of really great, sometimes challenging, and fun music!
And always remember- the more the merrier! If you know of any guys who might be interested, this is an amazing time to bring a new guy (or two, or ten...) along. Tell your recruit(s) that our first two rehearsals every season are "open"- no pressure, just show up and sing. Remember, new guys don't pay dues their first season (if they need more encouragement).
Sunday, October 13 - Rehearsal Camp- Camp Skyline 1-7pm
Sunday, November 10 - Short Gig at Kirk in the Hills (see below)Sunday, December 8 - Dress RehearsalFriday, December 13 - Concert #1Sunday, December 15 - Concert #2
(Watch this space- more upcoming dates & info to come!)
9/15 - NONE
9/22 - Jesus, Oh What a Wonderful Child
9/29 - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Ok, so there's no memorized piece due this week. That's great! But it is NEVER too early to hit those rehearsal CDs! If you didn't get one from Strat last week and would like one, please send him an email at - I know he's bringing a few extra anyways, but it never hurts to be prepared! Also, if you're not TOO technologically impaired, the rehearsal tracks are available on the LMC website... speaking of which...
Wondering what is up with the Board of Directors? Want to know what CJ's telephone number is? Have a burning need to know Roger's background? All that and more are available on the LMC website! Mosey on over to and take a gander!
Click on "About LMC" at the top, then pick "Members" for the Members Only area. The password is "BSO1999" - that's super secret, so don't spread it around!
And check frequently- as the season progresses our esteemed webmaster Greg Forsyth will be furiously updating the thing. I understand he's even going to try and teach the MWM author how to use the "blog" to write these things. Hope he has elementary school teaching experience and abundant patience...
THIS Sunday, September 8, 6:30pm, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, on Maple west of downtown Birmingham (aka, same LMC time, same LMC channel). Just in case you didn't already get them, below are links to Steve's welcome back letter and the song list for this season. Like I said before, some really fun music coming up!
Also, new for this week, you can find a PDF of the information sheets Steve passed out last week.
And last, but certainly not least, a link to "Let's Rehearse!" - a great document about choir rehearsals, etiquette, and how things should work. It was written by our namesake, Dr Harry Langsford many (many!) years ago for his Wayne State University choruses. While reading it isn't MANDATORY, it really is a good reference- I highly recommend taking 5 minutes or so and going over it.
Click HERE for Steve's Letter in .docx
Click HERE for Steve's Letter in .pdf
Click HERE for the song list in .doc
Click HERE for the song list in .pdf
Click HERE for the First Week Handouts in PDF
Click HERE for "Let's Rehearse!" in PDF
Kirk in the Hills, an incredibly beautiful church on Long Lake in Bloomfield Hills, has invited us to sing for a Veteran's Day event on Sunday, November 10. I don't have- or at least remember- all the details right now, but the event will take place in the early afternoon, we will sing the "Salute to the Armed Forces" piece that we performed at last season's concerts, and immediately after we sing for the event we will have our "normal" Sunday rehearsal (instead of at 6:30 that night).
This is a "required" performance for LMC, so please make sure you keep Sunday, 11/10 clear.
As I said before there are more details, and I'm sorry I don't have them right now. I'll confirm with Maynard Timm (goes to Kirk and set up this 'gig') and Steve so that next week's MWM is a little more substantive.
I'd be a bad treasurer if I didn't take a moment to remind everyone that LMC's dues for returning members are $50 per season, payable by cash, charge card, or check (made out to "Langsford Musical Society"). It would be great if we could get the business bit out of the way as early as possible in the season, so please see me in the "Common Area" (where the coffee and snacks are) during break** at rehearsal some time in the next few weeks. Like the two old guys with the wine coolers said, Thank You For Your Support.
** PLEASE wait until break. While I normally am a HUGE fan of people sticking money in my face, when it isn't intended for me to pocket the moolah things can get a little confused. During break I have my books open and am ready to keep track of important stuff like who gave me what. Once again, Thanks!
NOTE: Last week I mentioned I may not be at rehearsal 9/15. Luckily, my previous "plans" fell through (I didn't need a bypass! yay!), so I should be there this Sunday, waiting with my greedy little treasurer mitts out :)
Last year we started a rotation for break-time snacks. The wonderful Dan Ianacci makes us coffee, and each section brings in something to munch on- doesn't have to be fancy, just some cookies or brownies, or whatever... It worked out quite well last year, so we're going to do it again!
9/15 - TENOR 19/22 - T29/29 - T3.... I mean Baritone 10/6 - Bass
A note from Dan I, the CD Guy:
Dear Gentlemen,
I (and the budget) want to thank all of you who picked up their CDs last Sunday.
For those of you who didn’t preorder, I always order extra so I’ll have a number of CDs still available for purchase at the cheep sum of $15 each.
Email me (don’t press reply!) at:
if you would like to reserve a CD or three.
See me before rehearsal or during break.
See you all Sunday!
Dan I,
CD Guy
One of the most important parts of Men's Choral Music is the camaraderie. Hanging out with "the fellows" and having a good time. A vital tradition implied therein is the Pint After! So please, join us for a pint or two of your favorite beverage and maybe a snack. We're lucky enough to have a great dive bar to frequent after rehearsal- the Mt Chalet, on the south west corner of Woodward and 14 Mile in Royal Oak (about 3 miles from Redeemer). It's a dive, but the drinks are cold and the food is amazingly good... and hey- guys to talk to!
Like every season, the MWM will be shared with the "Current" and the "Alumni" lists for the first couple weeks until we're sure who the "Current" members are! Should only be one or two more... If you're not going to be a current member but would like to receive the MWM anyhoo, let me know!
We have NO other news this week! If you have any news you'd like to share with the group, please send me an email ( Upcoming non-LMC concerts, plays, entertainment, other choirs you sing with... anything you think the other guys would think interesting is MORE than welcome!
And that's it! Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday!