One evening in the fall of 1999, six men gathered around a piano. These six, all alumni of the Wayne State University Men’s Glee Club, were holding the first rehearsal of what is now the Langsford Men’s Chorus. Since the beginning the chorus has welcomed all men who sing; by the end of the first season about a third of the members were non-WSU alumni. Over the years our adherence to the principles of excellence in choral music has allowed LMC to grow to over sixty members, all with very diverse musical backgrounds.
Today, the Langsford Men’s Chorus stands on its own, proud of our heritage, and dedicated to perform, promote, and perpetuate the art of men’s choral music through the brotherhood of song and the fellowship among men.
LMC’s season runs from September to May of each year. The concerts are typically held in December- traditionally devoted to Christmas and ‘seasonal’ songs- and May.
Dr. Harry Langsford
The Langsford Men’s Chorus is named after Dr. Langsford, founder of the Wayne State University Men’s Glee Club. Dr. Langsford earned a Bachelor's degree in Music Education from Wayne University (now Wayne State) in 1943. He completed his Doctorate in Music Education in 1959, and became a full professor at Wayne State University. In 1988, Doc was persuaded to conduct the Langsford Singers male choir and chamber choir. Doc returned to WSU in 1992 to direct the Men's Glee Club. Doc died on August 9, 1997 at home after a long battle with cancer. Just before he died, many came to sing for one last 'rehearsal' and closed with one of Doc's favorites, Little Innocent Lamb. He will long be remembered and loved by many.